Visual Replica

We customize our process for your specific needs. You can either be part of process or just send us the products and we do everything. For every client and case we do a guideline with detailed specifications, so that every new image fits perfect with the brand aesthetics.

Preparation, Steaming, Ironing
You can either be part of the preparations or just send us the products and we do it for you. Repack and send it back when done. 

Flat packshot
A basic style of packshots were the images is delivered on a transparent or a specific background of choice. With or without shadow. 

Mannequin shot / Invisible doll
Clothes shot on a mannequin that is later removed in post production. 

Model imagery
The most effective way to photograph clothes. If you need a lot of images of each garment, this is the way to go.

Before we send you the link with your finished images a basic retouch is applied. This may include removal of dust, scratches and a basic color correction. After you reviewed the images you can request edits, whether you want to move a label or change the color of garment samples.  

Post production
We prepare all images for your platforms and deliver in multiple formats